Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Marcelo in the Real World by Francisco X. Stork

Marcelo is a young man who is considered autistic but once you read this book, you realize he is smarter than anyone knows. He spends his Summer working in his father's law office and there he meets Jasmine. Jasmine is a no nonsense young lady who accepts Marcelo and never once makes fun of his mental capabilities. Throughout the story you see this relationship become something more but Marcelo doesn't know what it is?
There are characters in this book, like every book, that I truly hate. These characters, Wendell is one, is just evil and you despise him before you even meet him (at least I did).
I learned a few things from Marcelo reading this and one of those things is to never judge someone based on what society labels as their mental capability. That person may surprise you in the end. I think this is a great read and a must read for anyone who knows or has a child with mental handicapped, especially on any part of the scale of Autism.

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