Monday, June 25, 2012

The Diva Digs Up the Dirt by Krista Davis (#6 in A Domestic Diva mystery series)

I realize that I'm starting with #6 of this series but I PROMISE you that if you go back and read the other 5 in the series: The Diva Runs Out of Thyme; The Diva Takes the Cake; The Diva Paints the Town; The Diva Cooks a Goose; The Diva Haunts the House : you won't be sorry about reading this wonderful and surprising mystery series. Davis is wonderful at creating scenes for the main character, Sophie Winston, to get into and her counterpart, Natasha (who you love to hate), to get in her way and try to out do her. Mixed with murder, mystery, love and great food/drink recipes these books leave you wanting more and more from author Krista Davis. I think one of the best things about this book is the way Davis portrays the relationship between Sophie and her ex husband Mars - a healthy, happy friendship and shared custody of their dog. This book #6, sets the record straight about a rumor of who killed a young woman 4 years ago - which makes Sophie interested since the prime subject is her now boyfriend, Wolf, a police detective.
Start with book 1 and work your way up to this book 6 - you won't be disappointed!!

5 out of 5 stars!

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